Thamanat chaperones new minister on flood inspection

Former agriculture and cooperatives minister Thamanat Prompow, second right, addresses officials at the Regional Irrigation Office 12 in Sapphaya district, Chai Nat, on Sunday. Also present, from left, were his brother and deputy minister Akara Prompow, agriculture minister Narumon Pinyosinwat and deputy minister Itthi Sirilattthayakorn. (Photo: Regional Irrigation Office 12)
Previous crops and cooperative minister Thamanat Prompow, next right, names officials at the Regional Irrigation Office 12 in Sapphaya area, Chai Nat, on Sunday. Even present, from left, were his brother and assistant secretary Akara Prompow, crops secretary Narumon Pinyosinwat and assistant secretary Itthi Sirilattthayakorn. ( Photo: Regional Irrigation Office 12 )

Over the weekend, Narumon Pinyosinwat, the just sworn in minister of agriculture and cooperatives, observed the Chao Phraya River basin’s water management under the watchful eye of Thamanat Prompow, the leader of the rebel faction.

Ms Narumon, Capt Thamanat, his nephew Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Akara Prompow and another assistant minister, Itthi Sirilattthayakorn, visited water agencies in Chai Nat and Ayutthaya regions on Sunday.

They monitored the storm position in the Bang Ban area and followed up on the water management at the Chao Phraya river storm bridge in Chai Nat.

Ms. Narumon claimed that the Chao Phraya’s concentration at the storm remained reasonable. In order to make for an appoaching flows from the North, the transfer rate would increase to 1,700 cubic meters per second over the course of three times.

On Sunday, the barrage’s outflow level was 1,474 cubic meters per second, and the transfer rate was 1,500 cubic meters per second.

Capt. Thamanat is a leader of a sizable insurgent group within the Palang Pracharat Party after taking over control from Prawit Wongsuwon, the party’s past deputy prime minister. &nbsp,

Ms. Narumon served as deputy labor secretary under former prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and as a state spokesperson in the previous administration.