Previous commissioner of the human rights commission denounces’extreme ‘ reaction to the drug problem.

Senator Angkhana Neelapaijit on Wednesday criticized a colleague’s idea to show dwell the convicts ‘ deaths as a means of addressing the medication problem.
Past head of the National Human Rights Commission Ms. Angkhana was one of the many people who found Sen. Amat Ayukhen’s comments, which suggested harsher penalties for drug dealers, including more death words, a shock.
Mr. Amat suggested creating a special court to hear drug-related situations to ensure that decisions are rendered within three weeks. He suggested that as a barrier to drug trafficking, the death penalty been imposed more frequently and deaths get broadcast live.
Thailand hasn’t executed a criminal since June 2018, when a perpetrator received a lethal injections despite receiving death sentences for numerous crimes. Thailand used shooting as the method of execution prior to implementing the lethal injections in 2003.
Ms. Angkhana claimed that Sen Amat’s proposals would not be a deterrent but instead would undermine individual dignity and accept violence. She said quite channels may introduce individuals, especially the young, to murder, adding it would also violate the law against abuse and enforced disappearances.
She said that to properly address the drug problem requires a comprehensive approach that includes a crackdown on big offenders. She praised the president’s strict enforcement of the law, but noted that while it was necessary to uphold human rights, it even had to do so.
When asked if Mr. Amat’s proposal reflected the views of the Senate, she replied that it was just his specific opinion, but that the fact that many senators stood up for him when he made the remarks may give the impression that they were in favor of it.
She also said the death penalty is certainly a simple process, and requires a court decision, good information, and a conviction for a serious offense.
Comments like these may convey the impression that such extreme steps are appropriate. Additionally, his request conflicts with Section 6 of the law prohibiting forced disappearances. But I think the legislator didn’t really think about the implications”, she said.
Mr. Amat acknowledged on Tuesday that his plan may seem tough, but he asserted that serious motion was required.
He made the suggestion after Sirisuk Yuenharn, the lieutenant secretary-general of the Narcotics Control Board, gave a presentation to the Senate.