‘ ThaisWon’t Tolerate ‘ taking problems to the UN, saying Thai employees are suffering

A system known as” ThaisWon’t Tolerate” has urged the UN to accept calls from a partnership of Myanmar staff in Thailand to improve the conditions for immigrant laborers.
Akkhrawut Kraisisombat, also known as Tae Achiva, and Arnon Klinkaew, president of the Thai Citizens Protecting the Monarchy party, joined users of ThaisWon’t Tolerate outside the UN agencies in Bangkok.  ,
After the workers ‘ group, known as Bright Future, submitted its requests to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Thursday, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the organization.
The letter included calls for better working conditions and care for overseas workers as well as a phone for the UN to reject the approaching general primaries in Myanmar scheduled for later this month.
Myanmar’s defense and security council delayed preparations for the long-promised public votes as the civil war continues four years after the military coup by extending a state of emergency for another six weeks until July 31.
Mr. Akkhrawut claimed that the meeting was of national value and that Thai people are increasingly concerned about the presence of unlawful foreign employees.
He cited reports that migrants were being asked to make the best level of 400 ringgit for Thai citizens, instead of the current 600-700 bass minimum wage. Additionally, he expressed his concerns about rising violence and international legal syndicates.
He argued that Bright Future, under the direction of Thai advocate Weera Saengthong, should concentrate on achieving its goals in Myanmar rather than seek action worldwide.
While the Thai organization did not speak with Bright Future members during the UN presentation, Mr. Akkhrawut declared that his organization did not bear” the tyranny of the Thai folks.”