Ten Rohingya rescued in waters off Koh Bulone

Satun: Ten Rohingya men had been rescued after they had been found floating within waters off the coastline of Koh Bulone in Langu region yesterday.

The men were suffering from exhaustion as they were believed to are floating for quite some time. These were taken to shore simply by rescuers in Laem Tepan in tambon Pak Nam exactly where they were picked up by local police plus given humanitarian help.

The Rohingya were detained for questioning by police yesterday.

Security officers later found an additional 41 Rohingya, which includes two children, upon Koh Gluay in Thung Wa area. They were given food and water.

The 41 Rohingya were ferried to the mainland aboard a police patrol motorboat. They were being wondered to see whether they portion of the same group.

Pol Col Sitthipong Hasrangsi, the Langu district law enforcement superintendent, said the very first 10 men have been placed in the care of the Immigration Agency and interviews were being conducted through an interpreter.

Thani Hayeesalae, the Langu region chief, said they told the government bodies they had travelled on the small boat through the state of Rakhine in Myanmar and were heading to Indonesia.

Throughout the journey, a storm hit and rocked the boat. The men were pushed overboard by a selection of their compatriots to make the vessel lighter and safer to continue the journey.

The men were afterwards found floating in the sea by a local fisherman.

Mr Thani said the authorities are not convinced the males were telling the facts and suspected all of those other Rohingya in the ship may have disembarked along the beach somewhere to wait for the storm to clear.

The particular Rohingya may have escaped from an United Nations-run refugee camp within Bangladesh, which edges western Myanmar.

The 10 men spent the night at a temporary shelter in the province where 59 Rohingya stranded on Koh Jingle beach on June 4 were furthermore transferred to.