Teen who took 101 photos of people using men’s toilets caught by father with 3-year-old son; gets probation

A teenager visited various public restrooms in Singapore over the course of seven months and quietly captured images of female patients using the poo in order to experience a” thrill.”

He evaded detection and amassed 97 images of 28 subjects before being discovered by a father using a bathroom at Parkway Parade with his three-year-old child.

The culprit, now 20, was sentenced to 18 months ‘ probation on Thursday ( Aug 22 ). &nbsp,

He may get identified because he was under the age of 18 when he committed some of the crimes and is therefore protected by the Children and Young Persons Act.

He must attend a treatment program aimed at his intimate offending, and is prohibited from using cameras unless his parole officer or situation worker orders then.

Additionally, the young person will have to complete 60 days of community service.

THE Event

The Singaporean was alleged to be 17 or 18 years old when the crimes occurred between May and December of 2021. &nbsp,

He worked in a Parkway Parade store part-time while he was a scholar.

The girl used his cellular phone to capture pictures of 28 unknown man victims using public restrooms between May 7 and Dec. 11 in 2021.

He would enter the desk opposite the one his victim was using and place his mobile at the top of the wall separating the two to take pictures of the goal while holding his phone there.

He did n’t specifically target particular victims, but he did take the photos” to experience the thrill of doing so.”

At about 7.10pm on Dec 11, 2021, a 39-year-old gentleman took his three-year-old brother to the bathroom at room 1 of Parkway Parade.

They entered a bathroom up, with the student in an adjacent desk.

He captured four images of the father and son using the restroom while he was seated at the top of the roof.

But, the father was able to identify the incident and contact a passing safety watch for assistance.

Together, they detained the student, who was arrested by the police.

The father and son were also found in his cellphone, which contained 101 images of 30 female victims, all of whom were present.

The criminal will have to stay indoors from 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. unless he obtains authorization for an exception.

His brother and aunt-in-law furnished a bond of S$ 5, 000 to maintain his good behavior during probation.