Teen shot dead over online chats

14-year-old think apparently angered that target chatted with his partner

Police cordon off the fatal shooting scene on a road in Sa Bot district of Lop Buri on Friday night. (Photo: Boontaen Ngamlerd Facebook)
On Friday evening, authorities in Lop Buri’s Sa Bot city cordoned off the deadly shooting scene on a road. ( Photo: Boontaen Ngamlerd Facebook )

LOB BURI: A 14-year-old child has been detained after shooting a 16-year-old child tragically in a bitterness spree prompted by online conversations.

According to Pol Lt Col Chayan Seekiang, an official at the Sa Bot authorities station, the incident occurred at the Nong Krathum crossing on Friday night.

Suphakit, the survivor, was found lying in a pool of blood with a bullet wound to the neck when police arrived. He died before reaching doctor, police said.

The victim’s companion claimed that they were attacked by two people while they were out shopping on another bike. One of them shot Suphakit, who he claimed was seated on the up.

Afterwards, when police located the shooter, they discovered that he was the other motorcycle’s driver and that his girlfriend was the traveler.

According to police, the shooting was motivated by resentment because the victim frequently exchanged website messages with the suspect’s sweetheart. Police have detained the partners for further questioning.