Teen fatally shoots friend with pistol

Medics administer CPR to an injured student following an incident inside a computer classroom at Wat Lad Pla Duk School in Nonthaburi on Thursday. The boy was later pronounced dead. Police Photo
Medics administer CPR to an injured student following an event inside a computer class room at Wat Lad Pla Duk School in Nonthaburi on Thursday. The boy was later noticable dead. Police Photograph

The 15-year-old boy was killed when a gun was fired in a classroom at a Nonthaburi school, in an event students and teachers initially pinned on a computer “explosion”.

The incident took place Thursday mid-day in a computer class at Wat Lad Pla Duk College in tambon Boom Rak Pattana of Bang Bua Thong district, said Pol Capt Saiyon Thongtha, a duty official at the Bang Bua Thong police train station.

The particular student, later recognized as Noppasil Ngamsud, continual serious injuries to his face, which includes a wound about 3–4 centimetres serious near his remaining eyebrow, police said. Medics rushed towards the scene to administer CPR but were unable to save his life, police said.

The initial probe centered on the new computers in the classroom after college students and a teacher reportedly told police they had heard an exploding market.

The keyboard at the desk exactly where Noppasil was seated was reportedly damaged and some keycaps travelled off. However , police said they couldn’t find any other indications of damage to any of the 10 computers.

Initially, Sasina Rakpan, a computer teacher, informed police an “explosion” occurred at about one 30pm, shortly after a group of Grade 9 learners sat down for class. She stated she immediately happened to run to check and found one bloodied pupil lying unconscious. Some other students were after that asked to alert other teachers to call police and rescue workers, the lady said.

One 15-year-old college student, who said he was sitting alongside the victim, said the explosion occurred about 10 minutes right after Noppasil turned off his computer. He said it left him with ringing in the ears. Another classmate who was sitting around the left side of the victim was hit by an object and was slightly harm, he said.

However , Pol Col Phumthat Khositwanitpong, deputy chief of provincial police, was not satisfied with the statements and ordered investigators to check the injury of the dead pupil, where they discovered traces of a topic that struck his eye.

During the subsequent wondering, one student afterwards confessed to taking a pistol to college “to clear up several problems with his friend”, according to a law enforcement source.

Paweena Ngamsud, thirty-five, the mother of the sufferer, said Noppasil has been her only kid, who was good at computer systems and never caused difficulties. She said she has now waiting for more details from forensic police.

Amporn Pinasa, secretary-general of the Office of Fundamental Education Commission, has ordered an investigation to the school’s director within the incident.

A committee may question him over alleged negligence, based on Mr Amporn.