Teacher selection mystery still not resolved

Following a complaint from the applicant, the authorities will assist with the review of Sa Kaeo test results.

Lawyer Ronnarong Kaewphet and his client “Khru Ben” speak to reporters after filing a complaint on Monday at the Ministry of Education after the name of his client was removed from a list of winning candidates for teaching positions in Sa Kaeo province. (Photo: CRSJ Foundation)
After the name of his customer was removed from a list of successful applicants for teaching jobs in Sa Kaeo state, attorney Ronnarong Kaewphet and his customer” Khru Ben” filed a complaint with the Ministry of Education on Monday. ( Photo: CRSJ Foundation )

Authorities forensic experts have been commissioned to assist Sa Kaeo province’s education ministry in answering questions about how an interview was administered for teachers seeking jobs in the state.

The questions were made public after a fresh professor claimed that her brand was first on the list of test-passers who had passed the test, but a revised list was released with her name not there.

A preliminary investigation, according to Office of the Basic Education Commission ( Obec), revealed there had been errors on the first list and that the teacher in question had not even finished in the top ten.

The initial test documents will be sent to the Police Forensic Science Office for investigation, said Thanu Wongjinda, the Obec secretary-general.

Additional details from the preliminary research conducted by an Obec fact-finding council are still being uncovered.

The Sa Kaeo Secondary Education Service Area Office on September 9 published the name of the professor, Khru Ben, 24, as one of nine candidates who had applied for state-school training opportunities.

On September 12, her title was dropped and replaced by another in a follow-up record. Khru Ben had been employed in Ayutthaya as a lease instructor before deciding to leave after learning that she had been hired as a science professor in her house state.

But, Mr. Thanu claimed that Khru Ben had the highest rating and that the candidate had not placed in the top 10 based on her test results. He cited the decision’s motivations as well as the scientific history.

However, the National Anti-Corruption Commission discovered that some Sa Kaeo office employees and the director of the office had erred in their preparation and publication of the first exam results. They will be subject to discipline.

Surasak Phancharoenworakul, Deputy Minister of Education, previously stated that the lawful office of Obec had checked the results of 100 candidates to ensure fairness.

He claimed that Khru Ben would receive payment for the financial ramifications of resigning from her present position if a review found that she did not receive the highest grade. She would then be compensated for the decision she made based on the assumption that she had won a new career.