Taxi drivers will be compensated for time spent installing new ERP 2.0 units

Beginning on November 1 of last year, setup began with company vehicles like buses, products vehicles, and taxis.

Some taxi companies intend to schedule OBU installation and vehicle maintenance at the same time to cut down on the amount of time needed so that drivers wo n’t have to drop off their taxis twice to the workshop. &nbsp,

When seminars have more time, another operators intend to recall taxis for OBU setup so that the waiting period will be shortened.

ERP 2.0 products may be installed on private-hire cars at a later time, according to Dr. Khor.

According to her, “LTA may involve the pertinent participants closer to the planned time.”

Starting with new cars in the first quarter of this year, additional vehicles may be gradually outfitted with the OBU. Based on the time of the cars, the assembly for existing vehicles will be scheduled in batches.

Motorists may have two months to fit the OBU without charge.

According to LTA, the practice should be finished by the end of 2025. Due to a global chip shortage brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, installation was delayed.