Taxi drivers welcome permanent surcharge at Mandai, Changi Airport, but will not drive there if inconvenient

Taxi drivers welcome permanent surcharge at Mandai, Changi Airport, but will not drive there if inconvenient


The continuous surcharges, according to car vehicle Maslan Masjor, 61, are a welcome addition because he believes driving long distances to the Mandai attractions is “risky” in the event that a client cancels their reservation. &nbsp,

The gate to Mandai Road is located about 1.5 kilometers away from the Singapore Zoo’s pickup location. &nbsp,

” If we drive in, but then they see a taxicab alighting with a customer, they may just get that limo instead”, he said. &nbsp,

He might have to wait at the car have alongside other cabs in order to win another customer. &nbsp,

When you could have gone to Bukit Batok or Pasir Panjang, you would have wasted your time, he said, “you may have wasted your time.” &nbsp,

This is why, if he does n’t want to take this risk, he occasionally declines reservations for visits to the Mandai attractions. &nbsp,

However, he claimed that the S$ 5 fee will make it more beneficial to travel all the way in and get someone else off instead, even if there is a long line. &nbsp,

” It’s a good move, because if there is no surcharge, we would n’t want to turn in and waste our time”, he said.

According to taxi drivers Leong Yew Chye, the most popular time to take a limo home is between 5 and 6pm, which is also when it is beneficial for taxi drivers to travel to the city to pick up the post-work crowd. &nbsp,

” Often at 6pm, drivers can go to the area or the air-port, which is much more interesting with better fares”, said the 53- yr- older. &nbsp,

” ( But ) with the S$ 5 surcharge, I will come” .&nbsp,

Mr. Maslan added that the tax would be particularly useful for weekend travelers looking to book a taxi at the Mandai attractions. &nbsp,

Passengers it have in the past messaged him on ride-hailing applications to offer additional cash in addition to the agreed upon fare just to make sure they have a ride out. &nbsp,

” On weekends it is different, people can offer S$ 10 extra to take a taxi, because they know it is difficult to get one” .&nbsp,

Mr. Maslan said the airport’s S$ 8 and S$ 6 fees would be beneficial in lowering costs for shorter excursions. &nbsp,

This is because car drivers who travel to the aircraft frequently have to wait patiently and are hoping for a trip that goes further and has a higher price. &nbsp,

” If someone says they want to go to Tampines, the driver wo n’t be smiling the whole ride, because he could have waited for one hour in the queue”, he said. &nbsp,

” It’s good that even when they have to go to Tampines ( from the airport ), there is a surcharge” .&nbsp,