Taliban mark turbulent first year in power


But for regular Afghans – specifically women – the return of the Taliban has only increased hardships.

At first, the Taliban guaranteed a softer version of the harsh guideline that characterised their own first stint within power from mil novecentos e noventa e seis to 2001.

But many restrictions are imposed on females to comply with the movement’s austere vision of Islam.

Tens of thousands of girls have already been close out of secondary universities , while females have been barred from returning to many federal government jobs.

And May, they were purchased to fully cover up in public, ideally with an all-encompassing burqa.

“From the day they have arrive, life has lost its meaning, ” said Ogai Amail, a resident associated with Kabul.

“Everything has been snatched through us, they have moved into even our private space, ” the girl said.

On Saturday, the Taliban fighters beat women protesters and fired weapons into the air to distribute their rally within Kabul.

While Afghans acknowledge a decline in violence since the Taliban grabbed power, the humanitarian crisis has left numerous helpless.

“People coming to our stores are complaining a lot of high prices that people shopkeepers have started hating ourselves, inch said Noor Mohammad, a shopkeeper through Kandahar, the sobre facto power center of the Taliban.

For Taliban fighters, however , the joy of victory overshadows the current economic crisis.

“We might be bad, we might be facing hardships, but the whitened flag of Islam will now fly higher forever in Afghanistan”, said a jet fighter guarding a community park in Kabul.