Taiwan’s air force flexes muscles in face of Chinese war games

HUALIEN: Taiwanese F-16 fighters roared into the night sky on Wednesday (Aug 17) in a show of force in front of the media, demonstrating the military’s determination to defend the democratically governed island in the face of days of Chinese war games.

China, which claims Taiwan as its territory, has been carrying out military exercises around the island after a visit earlier this month by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was followed by five US lawmakers on Sunday and Monday.

Pelosi’s visit infuriated China, which responded with test launches of ballistic missiles over Taipei for the first time. It sent warships and fighter jets close to Taiwan, though the scale of the activities has now greatly reduced.

On a government-organised trip to the key Hualien air base on Taiwan’s mountainous east coast, the first to a military facility since the Chinese exercises began, reporters watched ground crew demonstrate how they rapidly upload weapons onto F-16s, including Boeing Co’s Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

Defence ministry spokesperson Sun Li-fang told reporters at the base that while they condemned China’s actions, this was a good chance for Taiwan’s forces to hone their skills.

“We will seize this opportunity to test all the training we normally do, and through this improve our current methods and raise our combat effectiveness,” he said.

“The Republic of China’s forces are confident, capable, and determined to defend the safety of the Republic of China,” Sun added, using Taiwan’s formal name.