Taiwan dispatches forces to areas around island after China starts ‘punishment’ drills

Taiwan dispatches forces to areas around island after China starts 'punishment' drills

The defense government of Taiwan criticized the drills, claiming that it had sent troops there to defend its country from the earthquake.

The ministry said the launch of military exercises on this occasion highlights ( China’s ) militaristic mentality as well as its inability to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

A top Taiwan official told Reuters that the training are part of a situation Taiwan had anticipated and that the island’s government has a” complete grasp” of Taiwanese military actions, despite speaking anonymously given the sensitive nature of the problem.

In the days leading up to the opening, Chinese officials stated that they were monitoring Chinese military operations.

The drills focus on shared sea- air combat- readiness patrols, precision strikes on important targets, and integrated operations inside and outside the island chain to analyze the” combined real combat capabilities” of the forces, China’s military said.

This is also a severe caution against the intervention and provocation by external forces and a powerful sentence for the separatist works of Taiwan’s independence forces, the order added.

A chart of the training areas, which are located in five locations in Taiwan and the islands Taiwan controls close to the Chinese coast, was published by the Chinese state media.

Taiwan, a country that has long been familiar with Taiwanese military action, did not show any signs of concern. On Thursday night, the standard stock score dropped 0.3 %.

China soon immediately following a visit, which former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi, instantly condemned by Beijing, conducted live-fire military exercises around Taiwan in August 2022. That set of exercises, the level of which was extraordinary, lasted for four days, followed by many days of more drills.