Beijing Xiangshan Forum: China to host annual show of military diplomacy this week

But, the desire to be a mediator arises from internal disagreements with nations closer to home. &nbsp,

In recent months, Beijing and Manila have been blaming one another for provocative actions taken at ocean, with frequent clashes between Chinese and Asian vessels making headlines on a nearly daily basis in the contested South China Sea.

Analysts believe that using the Xiangshan website as a platform to resolve differences and get a resolution is appropriate given the current state of tensions.

” More than playing to the gallery, China and the Philippines should try to find a balance,” Lye said.

The website will give the claim states an opportunity to learn about each country’s position on this issue, which is not novel, but there might be some differences that can be discovered as well.

CHINA-US Relations

Victor Gao, head teacher at China’s Soochow University, said China-US relationships are at the lowest level since relations were normalised in 1979.

Given both places ‘ regular clashes over a slew of issues, he noted that in-person communication through local communities like Xiangshan is crucial.

He claimed the website is a good place to hear and hear the voices of major nations, but that the US must “walk the right stroll” when it comes to issues like the” One China” policy.

This also applies to refraining from immediately involving in territorial disputes between China and the Philippines, and refrain from actually trying to entice India into the US’s geopolitical conflict with China.

However, according to experts, it’s unlikely that there will be any significant opportunities shifts in both parties, especially as the US elections in November determine who will be president.


In light of the two nations ‘ bubbling conflict, the China-hosted accumulating has grown in popularity in recent years.

In its first iteration, the conference began with only 14 nations in 2006. More than 70 people participated in it in 2018, and more than 90 are now a century afterwards.

This week’s version is set to be its biggest.

Ian Chong, an associate professor of social science at National University of Singapore, noted that the website was “one among the many” in the past.

” Now, given that there’s been reduced contact between ( China ) and in particular, the US and some of its allies, it has become one of the few available conduits for some level of exchange to happen”, he added.

More than 500 members are expected to attend the event, and Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun is scheduled to give a statement at the occasion.

The website is returning for a second time after a three-year break over the COVID-19 crisis. Following the dismissal of Dong’s president Li Shangfu, China held the event last year in China without a defense minister.


Since 2015, the Xiangshan website has become a yearly event.

It is styled as China’s response to the Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia’s top safety meeting in Singapore.

It has been viewed as a platform for China to listen to opinions aired during the Shangri-la Dialogue, which China continues to criticize as being westernized, and is scheduled to take place months after the Singapore speech, which typically takes place in June.

” At the Shangri-La Dialogue, ( China ) criticises as much as it receives criticism. China may prefer a more controlled environment that allows them to make their place known, according to Chong.

Compared to the Singapore discourse, which is commonly led by its defense chief, the US usually sends a lower-level committee to the Xiangshan forum.

In the midst of a freezing military ties, China’s Dong met US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Singapore in June, with Chase’s expected attendance coming after that event.

” Simply a year ago, there was no military-to-military interaction between the US and China”, said Yun Sun, co-director of the East Asia Program at the DC-based think tank Stimson Center.

” But today, these connections have been resumed or re-established. I’m interested to see how the US-China connection will go and what China’s location will be on this specific subject at the Xiangshan forum.

The US sent a delegation to the Office of Undersecretary of Defense led by Xanthi Carras, its chairman of China last season.

Other European nations have sent little, low-level representatives that have either shunned or sent.

However, there will be many participants at the website who will represent the World South, which China has been focusing its efforts on.

Russia, which has been subject to widespread foreign attention for its invasion of Ukraine, received unusual but well-known billing from the forum most recently.

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Chinese policymakers discuss proposal to raise retirement age

HONG KONG: China’s politicians this week assessed an established plan to raise the government’s retirement time, among the country’s lowest, marking a key step to tackle its shrinking working people. The meeting of China’s Standing Committee’s 11th meeting in Beijing was the subject of a discussion by members of theContinue Reading

China approves first domestic mpox vaccine for clinical trials

Beginning on Monday ( Sep 9 ), the first Chinese mpox vaccine has been approved for clinical trials in China. The company behind it claims that early studies show promising results and effective immunity protection against the highly infected virus. &nbsp,

The shot was developed by Shanghai Institute of Biological Products, a company of Taiwanese state-owned medical large Sinopharm, which&nbsp, was even responsible for China’s first COVID-19 vaccination at the top of the pandemic in 2020. &nbsp,

There are presently no approved mpox vaccinations in China, and Sinopharm’s new vaccine is anticipated to play a significant role in the country’s control and prevention of the condition, according to the company on its Twitter account on Monday. &nbsp,

According to the statement, the safety and effectiveness of the mpox immunization have been “fully demonstrated by scientific data,” adding that it provides good resistance security against the disease as seen in “non-human animal models.” &nbsp,

A vaccination candidate in China normally goes through three clinical testing before receiving business approval, which can take years, even decades, according to Chinese news site China Daily. &nbsp,

The new vaccine’s release coincides with a rise in mpox cases all over the world. &nbsp,

Previously known as “monkeypox”, the highly infectious disease can spread quickly through close contact. Symptoms include fever, headaches, muscular aches and large boil-like skin lesions.

In 2022, China declared mpox a Class B infectious disease, which enables authorities to take preventive measures like limiting gatherings, suspending work and school, or closing off locations when a disease outbreak occurs.

After a newer and more contagious mpox variant was discovered, the World Health Organization in August declared a global public health emergency. &nbsp,

China has to date reported more than 2, 500 mpox cases, which include caseloads in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. &nbsp,

Chinese authorities announced thorough screenings for all foreign arrivals over the next six months earlier this month as they began increasing checks and other preventive measures. &nbsp,

According to officials, this will also apply to all ships and aircraft entering China, as well as containers and goods. &nbsp,

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Sightseeing train in Japan to offer passengers a taste of Singaporean cuisine


Dinner on good food on a moving train is not fresh and is typically served on vacation between Chichibu and central Tokyo’s stunning hilly region.
Called “52 Tickets of Happiness”, it was launched in 2016. &nbsp,
Thus far, the dinner train has served up European, Italian and Chinese classes, and themed drinks and snacks.
Yet, it has not been promoted many abroad.
Through its engagement with STB, Seibu Railway wants to change that.
Japan welcomed a report 21 million email visitors as of July this year, according to the government’s National Tourism Organization.
However, the majority of first-time customers do not walk off the beaten path.
A lesser-known destination, Chichibu- more than an hour aside from Tokyo- for instance, “is still very comfortable”, said Mr Hirotoshi Tsutsumi, common manager of the sales and marketing division at Seibu Railway. &nbsp,
He claimed that there are few visitors and that there are many festivals taking place there. &nbsp,
More than one festival is held there during the day, he said, meaning you are more likely to see one while you are there.
For individuals, the meal on board will be an practice.
Michelin-starred restaurant Tatsuya Noda, who visited Singapore for the first time in July, will become crafting a list of Taiwanese fusion food.
” I want to manifest my first-hand knowledge of what has inspired me in the cuisine”, he said.

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Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam after killing two in China

On southwestern China’s Hainan island, the storms struck Vietnam, killing at least two people and injuring 92 people. According to the state broadcaster CCTV, Yagi caused the removal of around 460, 000 people by attacking trees, causing winds of more than 230kmh, and causing the evacuation of trees. Hainan’s majorContinue Reading