The North Korean defector flying propaganda balloons to topple Kim


Pyongyang’s response to his bubbles proves they have an impact on the North Vietnamese community, Park said.

With the computer and the media under the control of the regime, it’s difficult to imagine how much information the 26 million people in the North have access to, according to Park.

He claimed that this is why the brochures are important and effective.

” I have received calls from around 800 defectors thanking me for my mission, telling me that they had seen my leaflets in the North”, he said, adding that he would n’t stop his campaign.

His opponents claim that his actions could worsen the tension between the two Koreas, which have been at battle since the 1950s to 1953 issue ended with an armistice rather than a peace agreement.

But Park dismisses the accusations, saying his plan is tranquil:” While Kim is firing missiles non- quit, our message is to prevent such violence”.

His ultimate goal is for the Kim plan to drop, which he hopes may occur due to domestic change, not an exterior intervention.

The North Vietnamese people will benefit from these pamphlets because they will enable them to fall up against the Kim regime and overthrow it, he said.

” My flyers are of wisdom, wealth and like”.

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North Korea sending more trash balloons, says South Korea

A 2023 court ruling that prohibits it as an unfair infringement of free speech means that South Korea may lawfully prohibit activists from flying balloons across the border. Park Sang-hak, an activist who defected from North Korea and has been sending anti-regime flyers north for years, claimed he flew 20Continue Reading

13 people on board Korean Air flight taken to hospital after altitude plunge; plane U-turns due to defect

SINGAPORE: Thirteen passengers were taken to hospital&nbsp, after a Korean Airlines flight from South Korea to Taiwan on Saturday ( Jun 22 ) was diverted due to a defect in the aircraft, local media reported.

Aircraft KE189&nbsp, departed from Incheon International Airport for Taichung International Airport at 4.45pm on Saturday with 125 passengers on board, the Yonhap news agency reported.

50 minutes after taking off, the aircraft discovered a leak in its pressurization program, according to Yonhap. At the time, it was &nbsp, flying over South Korea’s resort area of Jeju.

The inner room stress of an aircraft is controlled by an air pressurization system.

According to data from flight tracking service Flightradar24, the plane’s altitude fell by 25, 000ft ( 7.6km ) in about eight minutes.

Around 7:30 p.m., the planes returned to Incheon Airport.

Fifteen people suffered from membrane anguish and breathlessness during the origin and 13 of them were taken to clinic, Yonhap news agency reported, citing&nbsp, South Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

No serious accidents have been reported, it added.

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