Eight killed in central China stabbing: Report

According to local authorities, a man used a knife to kill eight people and injure one more in central China on Friday ( May 24 ). According to state television’s Video, the stabbing occurred in the area of Xiaogan in Hubei province on Thursday night. The 53- yr- ancient intruderContinue Reading

China starts second day of war games around Taiwan

” DEFEND FREEDOM” Taiwan is a part of China’s place, and it has pledged to impose itself upon it by force if necessary. Thursday and Friday’s drills involve aircraft and ships surrounding the island to test their combat capabilities, China’s People’s Liberation Army ( PLA ) said. Taiwan responded onContinue Reading

Jakarta aims to improve flow of Ciliwung river as part of flood mitigation efforts

The Jatigede hydropower plant, located in Sumedang in West Java province, has a capacity of 110 megawatts ( MW).
The power plant supports the electric network between Java and Bali by using water from the Jatigede bridge, which is the second-largest bridge in Indonesia.
Because we use fluids from the Jatigede dam, assistant project manager for the flower, Dinar Pradipto, said,” This hydroelectric power plant is only useful during peak hours, 5pm to 10pm.”
We use the same amount of water to generate the turbine and generator at the same time that it is used for irrigation needs downstream.
More than 4,100ha of water can be used to capture solar power at the Jatigede bridge.
In order to supplement the hydroelectric power now produced by the bridge, there are plans to install floating solar power panels.
By 2024, a solar power plant with a capacity of 100MW will be operational, according to Jatigede Dam Management Unit head Yuyu Wahyudin.” The plan for a solar power plant has also been carried out by PLN ( State Electricity Company ).
Under 10 % of the flood place will be used for the floating solar power panels, according to the statement.

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Water pollution in Jakarta: Some residents resort to buying clean water from neighbours


The city’s capital town now has access to clean water in a proportion of 65 % of cases, and the city’s authorities have set an ambitious goal of 100 % by 2030. &nbsp,

Additionally, the state is accelerating the building of fresh water pipelines. &nbsp,

Hendri, the acting secretary of the Jakarta Water Resources Department, stated that “work is being done” to construct pipes in the Special Region of Jakarta so that people can eventually receive clean water from those pipes.

The network system’s goal is to prevent people from pumping good water, which increases the risk of property collapse, particularly in North Jakarta, which is a problem.

For Cilincing native Yulia Mayau, who buys her fresh water source from neighborhood, filling one hour’s worth of water charges her about US$ 1.85 and lasts her just three weeks. &nbsp,

After that, she must wait until her turn to once more pack up her offer.

” It is expensive. It is a great expense”, she said. &nbsp,

The liquid service provider claims they need at least 10 homes to place a pump and a network if they want to install it. In the area towards the lake, there are often bottlenecks and pump mistakes”.

Local water sellers who sell it to CNA claimed that their homes ‘ pumps are only for personal use and that they are not permitted to do so.

After a spot-check by the government, a citizen who was caught selling water claimed to have received a US$ 300 fine.

A 2, 000L waters storage tank in its proximity is accessible to those who live 80 meters away from the ocean, but leaks in the pond cause the water to run out more quickly than expected.

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Taiwan’s new president Lai calls on China to stop its threats


With only 12 friends, Taipei lacks political reputation on the planet level.

But it has its own state, martial and money, and the majority of the 23 million people see themselves as having a different Chinese identity, separate from the Chinese.

Following in Tsai’s feet, Lai is expected to boost military spending and improve relationships with institutions, especially the US, Taiwan’s essential companion and arms supplier.

Back of Lai’s opening, Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office, which handles fly- sea problems, called” Taiwan freedom and peace in the sea… like water and fire”.

Lai has made offers to begin Beijing’s high-level communications with China, which Beijing cut off in 2016 with the election of Tsai, but researchers predict that such attempts will be rejected.

China is, but, having to” string a very narrow needles here”, said RAND Corporation’s Kuo, who is&nbsp, director of its Taiwan Policy Initiative.

” On the one hand, they do want to say that the DPP, you know, if you decide to declare freedom, if you do issues across our lines, we will listen with military force. But more they do that, he said, the more they undermine the KMT’s social standing.

” And but for China, they’re trying to do this type of carrot and keep method. On the one hand, trying to reach out to the KMT. On the other hand, trying to undermine the DPP’s assistance.

Lai’s domestic challenges loom large too, given his Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) lost its parliamentary majority in the January election, which&nbsp, could make it difficult for him to push through his policies.

In a harsh debate over political reforms the criticism is pushing, lawmakers on Friday punched, shoved, and screamed at one another. When politicians resume their conversations on Tuesday, there might be more fighting.

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Taiwan swears in new president as China pressure grows

MORE DEFENCE SPENDING With only 12 friends, Taipei lacks political reputation on the planet level. But it has its own state, martial and money, and the majority of the 23 million people see themselves as having a different Chinese identity, separate from the Chinese. Following in Tsai’s feet, Lai isContinue Reading