Suspect admits to murdering Korean man

Suspect admits to murdering Korean man
On Saturday evening, divers found the barrel at the Map Prachan tank in the Chon Buri district’s Bang Lamung district. ( Photo: Chaiyot Pupattanapong )

A Korean think has admitted to murdering a friend, whose body was found in Chon Buri on Saturday, according to a statement from South Asian government.

On their way to Pattaya in Bang Lamung city, it was claimed that he and two other suspects strangled the prey before stuffing him into a concrete-filled chamber.

A police resource said on Wednesday that South Korean authorities sent the research findings to the believe in the death of Roh Eui-jong, 34, to an investigation team at Khlong Tan police station.

Roh’s body was discovered over the weekend in a plastic chamber dumped in the Bang Lamung district’s Map Prachan pond.

Two of the three defendants have been taken into custody so much. One was detained on Tuesday in Cambodia’s Phnom Penh, and the other on Sunday in Gyeongnam territory in South Korea. The another, identified as Kim Hyung- won, is thought to had fled to the Myanmar borders, said the source.

According to the North Korean authorities, the suspect, whose individuality was withheld, has admitted to the shooting.

This think claimed to have dated Roh at a casino in the RCA area.

Before bundling his unconscious victim into the suspects ‘ vehicles, he admitted using a sleeping pill to drug Roh. According to the review, Roh regained perception on his way to Pattaya, and a fight led to his strangulation.

The group dumped Roh’s figure in the Map Prachan reservoir before loading him into a home in the Rom Klao region of Bangkok.

After the statement was received, Khlong Tan officers seized the vehicles for a forensic investigation. The benefits are expected in a few days, said the cause.

The Southern Bangkok Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the group on Wednesday&nbsp, for death, body hiding, illegal confinement, and fraud.