Suriya imagines ‘seamless’ transport infrastructure

Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit
Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit

Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit has outlined the government’s travel infrastructure development plan for the small, medium, and longer term.

Mr. Suriya stated at a meeting of the transportation industry that he and his two deputies have developed a plan framework with nine essential points that will be implemented in three stages.

Mr. Suriya stated that the government would finish the pending transportation purchase projects in less time.

Second, he added, the ministry is also in charge of improving the efficiency of the nation’s transportation network so that it can be easily connected to the transportation networks of other nations.

Third, the government will work with private investors more closely and provide them with more opportunities to participate in the government’s new transportation investment projects. With the injection of more firm opportunities, the projects will concentrate less on the state resources, he said.

Third, the government will focus on improving people exposure to government-operated transport systems. He claimed that lower operating costs may be lowered while still maintaining the same level of service as a result of better working costs management.

Fifth, the government’s transportation also need to be upgraded to the point where its prices may be brought down as well, he said.

He stated that as part of the country’s entire transportation development program, the development of clean power will be prioritized in seventh place.

Seventh, all fresh transportation tasks must be completed in terms of safety standards.

Eighth, he said, the transportation organizations and agencies under the government will operate with greater accountability and adhering to the law and good governance principles.

In order to maximize the ministry’s job performance, the government will ask the people for feedback on how to operate public transportation.

Mr Suriya added that short-term plans are essential, while medium-term people span one to three times. Long-term plans past five years or longer.

The secretary argued that the Rama II Road construction project, which is still in its early stages, needs to be finished immediately.