Suphalak cat breed gains global recognition

(Photo: WCF Thailand by ARC Facebook Page)
( Photo: WCF Thailand by ARC Facebook Page )

According to the Facebook Page of WCF Thailand, the Suphalak feline species has been designated as an international species by the World Cat Federation (WCF).

The Trade Association of Registered Cats ( ARC ) presented a proposal to recognize the Suphalak breed, an ancient Thai cat breed, at the WCF General Assembly 2024 in Germany.

An ARC national thanked the WCF judge, the Pedigree Registration Commission, as well as all WCF trees who supported ARC in this regard.

Making approval requires collecting factual information about the type, its characteristics, and genetic info to establish the breed standards.

Svetlana Lalovic, a WCF prosecutor with a focus on Thai cat species, was instrumental in gathering data and crafting a plan to get recognition for the Suphalak type.

ARC even thanked Chayaphon Phucharoenyos, its leader and its President, Pattamaporn Themeeyawet, for helping improve a method to accept the species.