‘Super-skilled’ domestic workers in Singapore earn 10% more pay as demand rises

Alternative OF SUNDAY Lessons

Local workers at Homekeeper Maid Agency begin their home country eldercare education. This lasts for two days to at least two weeks.

” We work with our trusted companions, get it Indonesia, Philippines or Myanmar- they follow our coaching staff needs. We have ( given to ) a number of caregivers in Singapore our own assessment skills and training program, according to Homekeeper director James Yong.

The company has gotten more practical with their teaching materials by getting advice from older care organizations and hospitals.

When assistants come over to Singapore, they may learn skills like public laundry, cooking and dialects.

During a three- day training programme, they even pick up eldercare- certain skills like how to properly move the elder from their bed to the wheelchair, spot an infection, and monitor blood pressure.

Local workers can continue empowering after they start working for an employer.

They have the option of enrolling in Sunday courses taught by real nurses for up to six months. Course fees are about S$ 300 ( US$ 222 ) and participants attain a certificate upon completion.

Mr. Yong noted that the training slots fill up quickly because maids will often see their peers sharing information on social media about having a document.

” They have a pretty strong community base”, he noted.

After finishing the course, domestic workers usually want to transition to care after their contracts are over, according to Mr. Yong.

” They’ll move on to care or they’ll come back to Singapore as an ex- companion, but with a higher level of knowledge”.