Sunken Philippine tanker leaks industrial fuel oil into sea

MANILA: A sunken Philippine tanker carrying 800,000 litres of industrial fuel oil has leaked some of its cargo into the sea, authorities said on Thursday (Mar 2), as they raced to find the vessel and contain the spill.

The Princess Empress was travelling from Bataan province, near the capital Manila, to the central province of Iloilo on Tuesday when it had engine trouble and sank in rough seas off Oriental Mindoro province.

The Philippine Coast Guard initially reported the spillage was diesel fuel, which had been powering the vessel, and not industrial fuel oil from the ship’s cargo.

But water sample test results showed some of the cargo had also leaked into waters off Naujan municipality, the coast guard said Thursday, sparking concern for the region’s rich marine life and coral reefs.

The spill had spread over 24 sq km of water by Wednesday, the coast guard said previously.

It is not known how much diesel fuel and industrial fuel oil is in the water.

Provincial governor Humerlito Dolor said a search was still underway for the stricken tanker, estimated to be 460m below sea level, and stop it leaking.

“The coast guard made assurances to us that they are ready to syphon off the oil once they identify (the location),” Dolor told local media.

“Unfortunately, after two aerial surveillance (flights) we still can’t find the exact location of the ship.”