‘Strange animals’: Chinese internet users ridicule and slam Guangdong zoo’s move to disguise dogs as pandas

After admitting to using a pair of soft chow chows in China to be stained black and white, angry internet users have taken to the streets. &nbsp,

Some visitors to the zoo even expressed wonder and pleasure over the “panda puppies.” &nbsp,

The Shanwei city park, which is located in southeastern Guangdong province of China, is just the latest in a long series of Chinese parks that have received public acclaim and criticism over their attempts to treat pets as wild animals. &nbsp,

Some internet users had been making concerns for a while that the animals on display were actually penguins, given that they looked and behaved like dogs when they were spotted panting and wagging their tails in some movies. &nbsp,

A park member acknowledged that the “pandas” were actually breakfast chows that were bleached black and white in response to the intense investigation. &nbsp,

” You can see by our label we are’ Odd Wildlife and Cute Pets Paradise,'” the agent told a tv crew from the Sichuan Observer, a native Chinese internet outlet, on Sep 16. &nbsp,

These are chang breakfast dogs being painted as panda, the consultant said.” These are chang breakfast dogs being one of our specialties.” &nbsp,

The admission more shook the Chinese internet, with some commentators on the saga and sharing photos and videos of their encounters with the animals.

On a Weibo post that has been shared more than 300 days, a journalist wrote,” The panting and barking gave them away.” Another Weibo users shared their experiences visiting the park, and criticised the company’s decision to confuse readers. When do regulations governing animal protection come into play, wrote another user. &nbsp,

On Douyin, jokes and humorous clips were shared as the discussion persisted. &nbsp,

A female user named Lin Yuyi who visited the zoo on Friday ( Sep 20 ) shared a video in which she was seen excitedly stroking one of the chow chows through the bars of their enclosure. In her videos, the dogs ‘ long, wagging tail were spotted. &nbsp,