Another co-founder of the software, which was launched in 2022, Lin Ruei, said their application tracks fast-moving seismic waves from more than 130 geological sensors that the group installed across the island to provide early warnings. For example, he claimed that the game could give users in more densely populated northern Taiwan up to 30 seconds of notice for a quake from the far northeast coast.
” Some people may feel very panic with just an earthquake of intensity 2, then they can get our app”, said Lin, a 17- year- ancient student.
” Perhaps it would save you if you received a 10-second early warning and moved to a safe location.”
Authorities claim that earthquakes with an estimated magnitude of 4 or higher are strong enough to cause wall cracks, damage power or water supplies, and that the official, government-run warning system only works to phone users in those areas.
Wu Chien- art, the director of the Central Weather Administration’s Seismological Center, stated to Reuters that they support the development of alternative resources that offer novel ways to respond to disasters. They also noted that officials were aware of calls to lower official alert thresholds, a program designed for bigger tremors that are more likely to cause harm.
” We may consider whether to issue instructions to the whole of Taiwan for great earthquakes”, Wu said.
Many people find the discreetly developed application’s additional features, such as an automatic flashlight switch-on before the shaking goes, a countdown timer, or emails for smaller aftershocks that do n’t elicit government warnings, to be a comfort for those who want to stay more watchful for the frequent spasms.
One person wrote in a review of Taiwan Earthquake Quick Alert, one of the most popular iPhone apps in Taiwan, that set a timer to the first shock waves.” The 30-second clock gave me ample time to mentally prepare myself, get my survival kit, and dash to my child’s room.