Ho admitted to the media following the episode that she still had her travelling license but would “right away” take the test.
But, she , admitted to 8days that she’s not so convinced about passing.  ,” I need to hold my hands up and]make the L sign ] to tell left from right, so I’m not sure if I can pass the driving test” . ,
The live show saw the Major 12 winners battling it out in four parts including X-Factor display, Body Expression, Spontaneous Eloquence and Acting.
Desmond Tan, Richie Koh, Kym Ng, Carrie Wong, and Hong Ling, the candidates, who were reprising their classic jobs, drew cheers and laughter from the audience.
Ho won over the judges thanks to his step presence and personality, earning him the name of Grand Champion.
A board of well-known faces presided over the evening’s thrilling contests, including Sandra Ng, a well-known Hong Kong actress-producer, and local Best Actor Christopher Lee, Eastern TV award-winning actor-singer Raymond Lam, and other renowned names.