SSF subscribers to elect new board members

Finances of B200 million allocated to elections

According to everlasting director for labor Boonchob Suthamanuswong, new Social Security Board members may be chosen for the first time in December.

According to him, the Labour Ministry will allocate at least 200 million baht to the election and consult with the Interior Ministry and Election Committee about electing 14 SSF members globally.

According to him, the Social Security Office( SSO ), which oversees the SSF, is currently preparing its employees for the election.

In accordance with the Social Security Act, the panel serves as a mediator between the state and the finance regarding fund-related laws, such as benefits and fund management.

The board is made up of the Budget Bureau, relevant ministries like labor, finance, interior and public wellbeing, and businesses and staff. According to Mr. Boonchob, seven members will be chosen by SSF members and seven by employers for the vote.

According to him, each government may preside over the election, which will be conducted similarly to general elections for politicians. Provinces will also be designated as polling places.

He adds that the government is considering holding an online vote to reduce costs and that only Thai SSF members and no migrant workers will be permitted to vote in the first election.

The original Social Security Board, established by Part 44 of the now-defunct National Council for Peace and Order, was approaching its expiration date, so the election was the result of a labor advocacy movements following the 2019 general election.

Following the passage of changes to the 2015 Social Security Act, the vote was scheduled for 2017. The plan was, nevertheless, abandoned.

Following numerous corruption controversies involving the SSO, including the 2.8 billion baht computer purchasing controversy in 2006, it was anticipated that the 2015 Social Security Act would encourage the organization as an independent organization.