South Korea begins licence suspension process against striking doctors

The injured employees have defied a February 29 federal deadline to return to work or face legal action, including possible imprisonment or expulsion of their health licenses.

According to Second Vice Health Minister Park Min- so, the state has identified some 7, 800 young physicians who have defied the back-to-work order and will notify them of their pending license suspensions starting on Tuesday.

According to Park,” We will send out advance notice of operational measure starting today,” referring to the license suspension, once their breaches of the back-to-work orders are confirmed.

According to government data, striking young medics have not yet returned to work on a significant scale despite receiving a warning of suspension.

Almost 9, 000 apprentice doctors were still on walkouts as of Monday, according to Park, a figure that has not drastically changed in the last two weeks.

According to Park,” The state will answer in accordance with laws and principles to prevent deeds that threaten people’s lives and health from occurring again.”