South China Sea: Is the Philippines becoming a gateway for the West’s Indo-Pacific interests?

In reference to the international tribunal that ruled in Manila’s favor in its maritime dispute with China, invalidating Beijing’s nine-dash-claim over the South China Sea, Cabalza said, adding that” New Zealand shares the same purpose of supporting the Philippines ‘ Hague decision.”

” Wellington, along with 13 other nations, had been an observer in the past Balikatan activities with Manila. Given that proper course, there is no stopping stop for New Zealand as a corporate partner of the Philippines”, Cabalza said.

The Philippines ‘ inclusion in Pegase 24 is the most recent of Paris ‘ efforts to strengthen security ties with Manila since discussions started over military cooperation in December. It is a yearly French Air and Space Force mission to the Indo-Pacific to demonstrate air power projection.

” Paris ‘ interest in Manila’s military modernization increased when it offered assistance on its submarine program and supported its maritime rules-based advocacy as an Indo-Pacific power,” Cabalza said.

This time, a contingent of European plane will land at Clark Airbase, a previous US military center 93km north of Manila.

France’s adviser to the Philippines, Marie Fontanel, said on Jul 12 that the vision was meant to illustrate the government’s commitment to upholding the freedom of navigation” as essential to keeping an open and inclusive Indo-Pacific place”.

According to Cabalza, Italy’s choice to include the Philippines in its Indo-Pacific plan was a “new contrast to the cords of European major powers recognizing the Philippines ‘ growing political system destined to safeguard democratic ideals at sea.”

Countries in the West may be concerned about possible problems in the water lines of communication and outposts in the region, according to Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, a study fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, given that Asia continues to be a significant business path for Europe and 40 % of its international trade flows flow through the South China Sea.

Europe “has a lot of stakes in ensuring the state’s security and prosperity, and is willing to see unrestricted access to essential lakes and peaceful resolution of disputes,” he said.

” Italy, the sponsor of this year’s G7 mountain, is the only member of the club of rich countries to come up with its own approach towards the place”, he added.