Singapore’s largest water lily collection, scenic boardwalks: Japanese Garden in Jurong to reopen in September

A clean garden and rock parks are at the center of the Floral Garden, which is surrounded by five group narratives. &nbsp,

Group Management

NParks engaged society partners to co-design the group plots within the Floral Garden as part of efforts to promote community management.

NParks said it collaborated with JTC to create the design strategy and collaborated with individuals from ITE College East, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, and Singapore Polytechnic.

On Sunday, more than 150 people, community leaders, students from Institutes of Higher Learning, participants from Friends of Jurong Lake Gardens and Nature Kakis Network, as well as contributors participated in the ongoing development of the Japanese Garden.

Jurong GRC, West Coast GRC, Yuhua SMC, and Bukit Batok SMC advisors helped them plant trees and shrubs on page.

Ministers for National Development, Minister for Social Services Integration, and Minister for Sustainability and Environment, Minister for Trade Relations, and Minister for Trade Relations, Ms. Grace Fu, were among those in charge.

Mr. Han Jok Kwang contributed S$ 21 000 to the Plant-A-Tree Programme through the Garden City Fund to help fund the group tree planting occasion. The Garden City Fund Management Committee is led by Mr. Han.