Singaporeans on non-voter list can apply to restore names to Register of Electors from Nov 10

Chan Chun Sing, the minister in charge of the public service, claimed that in September, more than 1,000 Singapore who had cast ballots at the previous polls but had been mistakenly placed on the non-voter record for the national election were reinstated to the registers.

In a written response to political issues on September 18, Mr. Chan stated that 1, 093 Singaporeans had informed ELD that they had not received their ballot tickets despite having cast their ballots in 2020 after the Writ of Election was issued. &nbsp,

This was an improvement over the 200 or so that were reported on August 24.

According to Mr. Chan, the “most possible cause” of the error was that an electric registration system that had only been introduced in the 2020 GE had never adequately captured the NRIC details of affected voters. &nbsp,

Voting in primaries is required for everyone who is available in Singapore. The ELD website states that on Polling Day, all Singapore whose names appear in the registers must cast their ballots.

After the election, those who do n’t comply will have their names taken down from the registers. They may request that their names been changed so that they can cast ballots in upcoming elections. &nbsp,

There were 2, 709, 407 votes in the 2023 presidential election, of which 2, 484, 481 solid ballots. There were 224,926 votes who did not cast a ballot. &nbsp,