Singaporean man deported from Vietnam, charged with drug trafficking

Singaporean man deported from Vietnam, charged with drug trafficking

A Singaporean man who was wanted over alleged links to drug trafficking and the country’s drug trade has been apprehended and charged, according to the Central Narcotics Bureau on Sunday ( Jun 30 ).

The 43- yr- ancient, who operated from abroad, had been out of Singapore since Sep 27, 2019. &nbsp,

The man is wanted, according to CNB, because he is suspected of helping associates in Singapore obtain drugs for their following prostitution and local purchase. &nbsp,

His role was made known during the course of CNB’s inquiries into a situation involving drug trafficking in February 2021. &nbsp,

The accused in the case, a Malaysian man aged 36 at the time of imprisonment, was apprehended with about 472g of cocaine. He has since been convicted and sentenced.

As part of initiatives to monitor the 43- year- ancient down, CNB reached out to its international counterparts. &nbsp,

The CNB and the Counter-Narcotics Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam worked closely together to track the criminal until Jun 28 when he was deported and turned over to CNB, according to the bureau. &nbsp,

The 39-year-old was next charged with drug trafficking in relation to the situation involving the person. &nbsp,

Senior Assistant Commissioner Leon Chan, the deputy director of the CNB, thanked the Ministry of Public Security ( MPS) ‘ Counter-Narcotics Police Department ( CNPD ) for their” strong support.” &nbsp,

The nearby cooperation between CNB and CNPD in this activity, which led to the arrest of a Singaporean who believed he could continue supplying medicines to affiliates in Singapore without violence, was a result of CNB and CNPD’s strong working relationship and trust, according to the statement. He was terribly mistaken”, he said. &nbsp,

“CNB will look into any prospects and cooperate strongly with our international counterparts to capture and prosecute these criminals.”