Singaporean actress Ann Kok reveals she was not supposed to be part of the Top 12 of Star Search 1993

The Top 20 finalists were unveiled next week, and the season is finally upon us once more.

While we anticipate the next round of eliminations, which will happen on Nov 3, three of local showbiz’s most notable Star Search alums&nbsp, Ann Kok, 51, Qi Yuwu, 47, and Vivian Lai, 47&nbsp, spoke about their Star Search experience on the latest episode of# JustSwipeLah.

Speaking to sponsor Juin Teh, 34, who was a Star Search 2019 winner, the stars shared how they came to join the skill research in the first place. &nbsp,

” It was accidental. I was unhappy at work, but I felt I should give it a try”, said Ann. &nbsp,

Yuwu, who was living in Guangzhou at the time, claimed that he was in his final season of college at the time. I worked for a modeling firm. They gave me a contract for it. I did n’t know”, he added.

Vivian, who was also a scholar at that time, recounted:” I was the best in Mandarin in my school, and I followed my colleagues to join in the fun. At that time, the interviews took place at the old Television station]at Caldecott Hill], and the lane stretched from home all the way to the courtyard inside”.

She won the general adult title in Star Search 1999, which featured contestants from different nations. Yuwu, who was a finalist that same year, was the Guangdong ( China ) male champion. &nbsp,

Ann was the 1993 winner, and she placed second and next, both, behind Lina Ng and Ivy Lee. &nbsp,

” Was it really aggressive? Or was somebody buddies”? asked Juin. &nbsp,

Ann openly replied:” During my moment, it felt a little dynamic. At that time, I did n’t think of becoming an actress. Perhaps that was the wish of other candidates, so they would struggle harder”.

Ann then revealed she was n’t originally picked to be part of Star Search 1993’s Top 12 lineup. &nbsp,

I’ve heard that I actually did n’t make it into the Top 12. ] But ] someone pulled out for some reason”, she explained. &nbsp,

” You were a replace”? asked a startled Juin. &nbsp,

” Yes”! laughed Ann, before adding:” So I did n’t think too much about it. I do want to know why they chose me to fill [that position ] over so many others. Was it at strange? Or they really thought that I could be an actress … I do n’t know”.