Singapore to increase investment in sport science to boost athletes’ performance

Dr. Marcus Lee, a game scientist, pointed out that Chen’s leg movements were slower on one side, which might hinder her entire rate.

” Without ( Dr Lee’s ) second pair of eyes, I would not have been able to pick that out so quickly”, said coach Lee.

He also gave some suggestions for how to enhance that relationship and schedule, which I will pay close attention to when I coach.

As the country strives to provide an atmosphere where athletes can thrive, this partnership between coaches and activity science professionals is becoming more and more crucial in Singapore’s activity landscape.

LACK OF Game Researchers IN SG

Now, the ratio of sport scientists to wealthy athletes in Singapore is 39 to one.

Surprisingly, Japan has a ratio of about one sport scholar for every 13 sportsmen, while Hong Kong has one for every 13.

Singapore’s game authorities hope that more money is being made into sport science, which will result in more targeted training and, in the end, better athletic performance.

The country is set to create an expanded game research and sports medicine centre in Kallang, with state-of-the-art labs and facilities.

All Team Singapore players will be able to access the facility, which will attempt to give them a major competitive advantage.

National athletes who pursue activities science degrees at local or international universities will also be covered for the total cost of their education.

Dr Marcus Lee, who heads the heart, called game research a” sun business”, especially in Singapore where the expertise swimming is still playing catch-up with other countries.

Sports technology is a need rather than a need, according to the article to be able to thrive on an worldwide stage. We may conduct everything we do with a clear focus on achieving our objectives, he said, and be truly academic in everything we do.

Because we have a pretty educated people, Singapore is primed to capitalize on this.


Sports technology experts make use of information, knowledge, and technology to help maximize sports ‘ stamina and performance while lowering their risk of injury.

They evaluate each athlete from the amount of lactic acid the brain produces to the resting beat, and assist coaches in developing training plans.

” Every game and every sportsperson is special. Even in the same sport, two athletes might be very different, and therefore the interventions ( will ) be different”, said Dr Lee. &nbsp,

They also help educators in understanding the technology behind restrictions, which can help break through barriers.

” ( Sport science ) gives me many perspectives which I may not, as a coach, understand. For instance, if an athlete rotates more on one side of the body, the biomechanist will be able to explain why one part has limitations while the other does not, according to mentor Lee.

” This gives me new ideas to support and assist the athletes in overcoming challenges that they are facing,” he said.

Athletes are frequently under a lot of intense pressure to perform, which makes philosophy a critical component of sport science.

” Mentally, game knowledge goes a long way towards supporting players. It once more affirms to the athletes that whatever effort they put in may be evaluated,” said manager Lee.

” At the end of the day, it’s not just about the physical features, but the psychological game that will make the change. They will gain advantage in this regard thanks to game research.


Some Team Singapore athletes have benefited from sports science.

A lower resting heart rate may be useful for Paralympic performer Nur Syahidah because it would improve her ability to execute her archer maneuvers.

To increase her aerobic capacity, she also trained by placing an eager gym in a designated area.

Dr. Lee claimed that sports researchers managed to lower her resting heart rate by about 7 seconds per second. &nbsp,

” Where she’s looking is also really important. We perform quite a bit of attention recording to look at where she’s looking at, how much she’s looking at the various places, and optimise that”, he noted.

” The coach wanted to make sure that her elbow is n’t leaking too much,” the coach said. But using our 3D action capture technologies, we were even allowed to fine-tune that”.

Sports technology experts broke down Shanti Pereira’s run from the smallest details, including the length between her feet and the earth, for the world’s jump queen. They should not be in the air for very long, according to sport science experts.

They finally suggested training that may increase her efficiency.

Kayaking former Chen said that soccer technology uses numbers to measure education and performance, enabling athletes to know for sure if they are on the right path.

” Sport science bolsters your 98 %, which are the training and the hard work. It provides you with that 1 % of the support you need to gain advantage,” she said.

” Like with nutrition, sufficient physio, rehab and everything, 1 per cent seems like a small number but it makes a difference … when it comes to high performance”.