SINGAPORE: Singapore’s 15- yr- olds came out best in an global benchmarking study on innovative thinking, even though they do no think of themselves as innovative.  ,
In the Programme for International Student Assessment ( PISA ) 2022, Singapore students were tested on how well they generate creative ideas as well as how well they evaluate and improve on them.
A total of 6, 600 students from 149 secondary schools and 15 private schools, including international schools and religious schools, participated in the study, said the Ministry of Education ( MOE ) in a press release on Tuesday ( Jun 18 ). Singapore also topped the score for calculus, research and reading.
In each testing cycle, PISA has added extra innovative domains like creative problem-solving, collaborative problem-solving, and worldwide competence. For innovative problem-solving, Singapore placed first, followed by Korea, and third, followed by the other two countries.  ,
Singapore took part in the creative thinking study because it believes it is an “important skill” that aids in the development of young people in a fast changing world, according to MOE. It also expressed interest in learning about how individuals have developed in this area.  ,
According to the agency’s lieutenant director-general of education Sng Chern Wei, the findings can be used to improve the curriculum and train teachers to better foster innovative thinking in students.  ,
” We certainly will be analysing the results, and allowing us to learn from these studies the places for further development, as well as areas of strength that we ought to affirm and keep, despite the regular adjustments to our curriculum”, he added.  ,
According to Mr. Sng, innovative students need more time to experience disorganized activities and more time to be exposed to aspects that will help them develop creative ideas.
MOE may take these into consideration during its education opinions, he added.  ,