The price of non-landed components decreased by 0.5 % in the second quarter, which is a change from the previous quarter’s 2.6 % improve.
Properties in the Rest of Central Region( RCR ), & nbsp, where prices decreased by 2.6 % compared to a 4.4 % increase the previous quarter, were the main drivers of the decline.
The Core Central Region’s( CCR ) rate of growth moderated to 0.3 % from the 0.8 % increase in the previous & nbsp, quarter.
Similar to the previous quarter, the increase in prices in the Outside Central Region ( OCR ) moderated to 1.2 percent from a 1.9 percent increase.
According to URA, charges of landed properties increased by 0.1 % compared to 0.9 % in the previous quarter, the smallest gain in two years.
According to URA, while the sale transaction volume increased by about 16 % on a quarter-on-quarter basis due to an increase in the number of units launched for sale, it decreased by roughly 30 % on an annual basis.
In the second quarter of 2023, the sales transaction amount was 4, 762, up from 4, 121 in the prior quarter and 6, 811 in that period.
The flash projections are created using information on units sold by designers upward until mid-June as well as purchase prices provided in contracts submitted for stamp duty payment.
On July 28, URA may make available its complete collection of real estate records for the next quarter of 2023.