Singapore needs to be prepared ‘economically, politically and socially’ when pressed by other countries on issues: Shanmugam

SINGAPORE:   Singapore needs to be prepared economically, politically and socially when pressed on issues like energy, airspace and water, Regulation and Home Matters Minister K Shanmugam said in a presentation on Thursday (Aug 4) at the Home Team National Day Observance Ceremony.

He mentioned: “Essentially, a nation like Singapore – any country, but we in particular – needs to be  prepared economically, politically and socially. And except if we are successful, we all are  just a bit of rock off the Southern tip of the Malaysian Peninsula. ”

Mr Shanmugam outlined in his speech the key development this year is Russia’s Intrusion of Ukraine and wanted to touch upon that and what it means just for Singapore.

Mr Shanmugam said that countries make assertions and only the “absurdly trusting will take these assertions at face value”.

He added that what countries actually do “depends on their core interest, strengths and their capability to get what they want”.

“It does not mean  war continuously, but if they can anstoß you in any way, they are going to. And we know that from  experience.

“If you are vulnerable, or if others think that they can press you on any element, the other country will certainly press those control keys. ”

Mister Shanmugam said that a primary lesson for Singapore about the Russian invasion, is that any nation “will have to evaluate carefully what an additional country’s intentions are”.

He added Singapore has to get “expressions of good purposes with caution” which at the core, it must always be ready to defend itself.

He reported how three months before the invasion began, Russia’s Ambassador to the Eu said Russia was not planning an attack against any kind of country . The ambassador even confident the European Union that no Russian troops had been preparing for an attack of Ukraine.

“As we commemorate National Day, I believe it is important to remember that in the end, it is only Singaporeans, all of you, that can ensure our security, inch said Mr Shanmugam.

He also said that Singapore must have the ability to defend itself and this means that “the basic, non-negotiable core has got to be a strong SAF”.

“Without that, you can’t assure anything else. And if you don’t have that, you can forget about anything else, ” he or she added.

Mr Shanmugam also touched on internal safety, saying that it is vital since external forces may “destabilise a nation, even without a war”.

He said the Russians are suffering from a doctrine known as Gerasimov doctrine plus they say every country has a “protest potential”.

Using Singapore as an example, Mr Shanmugam say race plus religion are “faultlines” that others may exploit.

“They make people think that the other side is attacking them within the nation, they weaken the nation, ” he mentioned.

Mr Shanmugam added: “So, you will need, in that context, an incredibly strong and able Home Team, plus within that construction, an extremely strong and capable Internal Safety Department, and a population that understands these realities, which can efficiently deal with foreign efforts to exploit the sections within our country – whether they are ethnic, religious, class, economic. ”

Mr Shanmugam said that The particular Maintenance of Religious A harmonious relationship Act has been “strengthened substantially” over the years.

“Racial Harmony – we have indicated that people are working on laws on that. FICA, POFMA and various  pieces of legislation. ”

Mr Shanmugam said that the platform is in place, adding that the resources and capabilities have to be created, and “the will to use this construction has got to be there”.