Singapore Muslims will be allowed to eat lab-grown meat if it’s from halal animal cells, free from non-halal ingredients: Mufti

SINGAPORE: If the cells are from animals that are also kosher and the last elements do not have any non-halhal components, it will soon be acceptable for Muslims to take lab-cultivated meat.

This decision, according to Dr. Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, the Mufti of Singapore, is an illustration of how ruling research must adapt to social change and contemporary technology.

On Friday ( Feb 2 ), he was speaking to kick off a two-day fatwa conference in modern societies.

Fatwas, which are proper interpretations of Islamic law by a competent religious scholar known as the mufti, are spiritual rulings used in Islam to direct the Muslim community in all facets of religious life.

The issue of lab-cultivated meat has been studied by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore ( MUIS ) since 2022, and the fatwa for this decision by Muis will be issued” soon,” according to Mr. Masagos Zulkifli, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs, who spoke to reporters on the sidelines of the conference. &nbsp,

He continued,” We can be one of the first nations in the world to actually guide in this area, producing cultivated foods as well as making sure it is kosher for Muslims to consume.” &nbsp,

On Saturday, the conference’s last evening, more information about this choice may be made public.

Dr. Nazirudin and Mr. Masagos attended the event, which was held at the Parkroyal on Beach Road resort and attended by about 400 friends, including ambassadors, religious leaders from around the world, and local spiritual and community leaders. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister, was also in attendance.

Dr. Nazirudin stated in his speech at the conference’s opening that the spiritual government should permit changes to their rules as scientific advancements and social changes occur.

Singapore’s best Islamic leader stated,” We could definitely work towards an Islam that seeks to preserve and protect all mortal existence, and secure all types of well-being, rather than holding an exclusivist see that limits who and what we work with.”

Other food sources are one such development. Singapore is the first nation in the world to permit the sale of beef raised in a facility. &nbsp,

The Fatwa Committee of Muis had thoroughly considered whether lab-cultivated flesh is acceptable for use by Muslims, according to Dr. Nazirudin, despite some who contend that there is no need for such food options and that the Muslim group should continue to enjoy “real” foods, such as real foods. &nbsp,

Recently, there was no Muslim prohibition against Muslims in this country eating foods that had been lab-cultivated. &nbsp,