Singapore goalkeeper Hassan Sunny meets hundreds of newfound fans in China

Singapore goalkeeper Hassan Sunny meets hundreds of newfound fans in China
Singapore goalkeeper Hassan Sunny meets hundreds of newfound fans in China

Despite Singapore being beaten 3- 1, Hassan pulled out several point- blank saves that maintained that China went through to the next round at that Thais ‘ expense, achieving&nbsp, over celebrity.

” It’s remarkable to see how much love and support I’m getting around”, said Hassan, who will be in Shanghai until Tuesday.

Hassan is 40 years old, which means most expert players would have already retired, but the Singapore manager has other programs.

As of right today, it’s all about doing things to ensure that my job is prolonged because I still have the interest and passion for the game,” he said.

THE Pancakes OF Chinese

After his inferable show that directly helped China progress, Hassan began receiving&nbsp, messages of support. &nbsp,

The next day, glad Chinese supporters in Singapore thronged Dapur Hassan, his mother’s foods barn in Tampines, causing it to sell out quick.

After netizens posted images of the stall’s QR code online, fans in China who wanted to express their love transferred wealth to the stall’s Alipay accounts, &nbsp.