Singapore fully rolls out passport-less immigration clearance at Changi Airport


Arriving and departing Singapore occupants, which include Singaporeans, permanent residents, and long-term complete holders, can only pass immigration using their physical and iris biometrics under the initiative.

Children under the age of six are exempt from this group’s physical characteristics and fingerprint, which may not be a reliable means of identification.

All international visitors can also use that certification procedure when they leave the country because their genetic information would have been gathered when they arrived.

Travelers were reminded by the ICA that” all international visitors will still need to provide their card for immigration clearance when they arrive in Singapore.”

The organization emphasized that visitors may also bring their passports along because they may need these documents to get through immigration checks in their home countries.

Mr Eric Taufan, a mergers and acquisitions expert, had first used the program when the test started back in August.

” It’s really cool really. I wish various countries, especially in the area, did began adopting the system”, said the 38-year-old who travels overseas frequently for work.

He continued, noting that he had never experienced any hiccups while using the system, particularly during the last four weeks when his journey schedule was more demanding.

American national Andy Bingham, 61, who resides in Singapore, used the system for the first time on Thursday and found it quick and efficient.

” I do n’t want to say bad things about other people’s passport systems, but I’ve been to some where you put your passport in and the machine does n’t even recognise the passport”, said the director of an energy business.

The Marina Bay Cruise Center is scheduled to start using the technique in December.