Singapore-flagged container vessel struck by ‘unidentified projectiles’ in Gulf of Aden; crew safe

SINGAPORE: A Singapore-flagged vessel was struck by unknown projectiles southeast of Yemen on Friday ( Jul 19 ), said the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore ( MPA ).

Around 10.30am, MPA was informed that the container ship LOBIVIA was hit while traveling through the Gulf of Aden, which set off a fire crew that the staff later extinguished.

The team is secure and accounted for, but there are no Singaporeans, according to the authorities.

Despite being hit, the LOBIVIA made it to Somalia’s Berbera Port to set ship. Damaged analysis and maintenance, if needed, may be carried out. &nbsp,

The Republic of Singapore Navy ( RSN) has also alerted its security partners in the Gulf of Aden region to offer any requested assistance, according to MPA, which is in contact with the LOBIVIA vessel manager.

According to the&nbsp, United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, the LOBIVIA was hit about&nbsp, 83 nautical miles ( 154km ) southeast of the port city of Aden, Yemen.

A trader vehicle in the region observed “light and fire” where the fleet was located, according to European safety firm Ambrey, who added that the ship was passing east along the Gulf of Aden.

Ambrey claimed that the ship soon began performing evasive maneuvers and that the ship abruptly turned off its automatic identification system about an hour later.

It determined that the LOBIVIA was in line with the Houthi militants ‘ preferred specific group.

Houthi militants in Kuwait have launched drone and missile attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November. The organization has stated that its steps show Palestinians that are impacted by Israel’s occupation of Gaza.

Since February, Britain and the US have carried out hostile attacks, shooting down robots and bombing attack places in Yemen.