Singapore condemns Moscow concert hall attack, urges citizens to defer non-essential travel to Russia

Singapore joins countries around the world in denouncing the fatal Moscow harm.

United Nations director- public Antonio Guterres on Friday condemned “in the strongest possible terms today’s criminal attack”, official Farhan Haq said in a speech.

The White House sent its condolences to the survivors of the “terrible” firing. ” The graphics are really terrible and really tough to watch”, National Security Council official John Kirby told reporters. &nbsp,

Chinese President Xi Jinping” strongly condemned” the attack and sent his condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Xi” stressed that China opposes all forms of terrorism, highly condemns the extremist attack and strongly supports the Russian president’s efforts to safeguard its regional stability and stability”, Xinhua news agency said.

Singaporeans in Russia who require diplomatic support if call:

Singapore Embassy in Moscow
Tel: 7 499 241 37 02 during business hours, or the 24- minute crisis hotline 7 906 009 00 69

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office ( 24- time )
Telephone: 65 6379 8800 / 65 6379 8855
Fax: 65 6476 7302