Signs of life as rescue continues at collapsed train tunnel

A backhoe is used to clear soil and rocks from the collapsed section of the high-speed railway tunnel and reach the three trapped men, in Pak Chong district of Nakhon Ratchasima on Monday. (Photo supplied)
In the Pak Chong city of Nakhon Ratchasima on Monday, a backhoe is used to transport rocks and soil from the shattered area of the high-speed railway tunnel to the three men who are still trapped. ( Photo supplied )

In this northern state, recovery efforts continued on Monday to accomplish three people who had fallen from a hole being constructed for the new&nbsp high-speed railroad.

Around 4am on Monday night, a detector picked up what appeared to be body temperature and heart beat from the missing men, giving hope for their resurrence. &nbsp,

About four kilometers from the doorway of the eight-kilometer hole in the Pak Chong district’s tambon Chan Thuek, the tunnel’s planned eight-kilometer closure occurred on Saturday evening.

A Chinese structure officer, a Chinese shovel operator, and a Myanmar vehicle driver are being properly rescued using a backhoe to reach the buried workers. Their efforts were hampered by heavy mud and stone falls.

The hole is a part of the Sino-Thai high-speed rail being built between Bangkok and Nong Khai state, which borders Laos.

Areas of a rescue rod may be slowly pushed through the blocked portion of the hole as it was opened up, according to Krichanon Aiyapanya, spokeswoman of the Transport Ministry, on Monday. It was anticipated that the people who had been trapped may become evacuated through it.

Each part of the evacuation tube is six meters long and has a diameter of about 1.20 meters. &nbsp, When contact is made, weather can also be pumped through it, and emergency products, until the beginning is big enough for volunteers to reach the guys.

The entry of the hole. ( Photo supplied )

The entry of the hole. ( Photo supplied )