SFA lifts suspension of Pu Tien’s Senoko catering kitchen after gastroenteritis cases at Bytedance office

During the expulsion time, Pu Tien Services disposed all ready-to eat meals, thawed food and perishable foods things, said SFA and MOH.

It even cleaned and sanitised their facilities, including equipment and utensils, and cleaned food preparation surfaces, furniture and flooring.

Food managers have re-attended and passed a course on food safety, while food hygiene officials have re-attended and passed the WSQ do foods &amp, tea hygiene audit sure, said the regulators.

Following the pulling of the suspension, SFA will continue to monitor Pu Tien Services closely to ensure that they abide by food safety standards, they continued.

The authorities stated that SFA will take into account the findings of the investigations into the hepatitis outbreak and will not hesitate to take protection action if it is discovered that food vendors are breaking food hygiene laws.

Offenders could be fined up to S$ 2, 000 ( US$ 1, 500 ) and, in the case of a continuing offence, fined a maximum of&nbsp, S$ 100 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction.