Several passengers injured as plane skids off Indonesia runway

JAYAPURA, Indonesia: A plane with 48 people aboard skidded off the runway in Indonesia’s remote eastern region of Papua on Monday ( Sep 9 ), police said, injuring several passengers.

Papua is covered in hilly terrain where numerous poor weather can hinder flying, and the South Asian archipelago has a bad record for aviation safety.

When Trigana Air’s ATR-42 plane skidded off the airport while it was taking off from a distant Yapen Islands district aircraft to Papua’s Jayapura on Monday morning.

The journey was carrying 42 people, including a baby and six team.

According to local police chief Ardyan Ukie Hercahyo,” Praise God everyone survived and has been taken to a doctor for a wellness checkup.”

” We are conducting an investigation and working with third parties to make sure this event always occurs again.”

Some people were hurt and traumatized by the incident, according to a declaration from the local search and rescue organization.

Indonesia’s thousands of islands are strongly connected by air travel, but Papua is a particularly challenging area to travel to.

In 2015, a Trigana Air helicopter crashed it, killing all 54 people on board.