Serious view taken of athletes’ misconduct, says SportSG after Joseph Schooling confesses to taking cannabis overseas

SINGAPORE: Sport Singapore (SportSG) takes a serious view of Team Singapore athletes’ misconduct, it said on Tuesday (Aug 30) after swimmer Joseph Schooling confessed to taking cannabis overseas.

Here is the agency’s statement in full:

“The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) had conducted investigations into Amanda Lim and Joseph Schooling for possible offences related to the consumption of cannabis.  

At the conclusion of these investigations, Amanda Lim has been issued a stern warning by CNB under the Misuse of Drugs Act; Joseph Schooling has been referred to the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)/ the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) for MINDEF/SAF to assess and take the appropriate measures, given that he is currently undergoing National Service.
Lim and Schooling are presently national carded athletes, and receive support from SportSG in that capacity. All TeamSG athletes are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct as representatives of Singapore on the sporting world stage, at all times. Unlawful or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be condoned.
SportSG intends to thoroughly review the circumstances behind these cases, and determine the appropriate steps to be taken thereafter.

The Singapore Swimming Association (SSA) and Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) will also be reviewing the appropriate actions on their part.

Singapore adopts a zero-tolerance stance towards drugs. SportSG and SSA will be engaging the swimming and other sporting fraternities to underscore the importance of complying with Singapore’s laws on drugs at all times.”