Second nurse charged over video threatening Israeli patients

Police have charged a second Sydney nurse who reportedly made threats to Jewish patients in a movie.

After the video’s release website, both Sarah Abu Lebdeh, 26, and Ahmad Rashad Nadir, 27, were given a two-month suspension from Bankstown Hospital’s work. It was captured on an unidentified online chat room that arbitrarily pair people for a chat.

Officials claim there is” no proof” that the pair actually harmed people.

On Wednesday, Mr. Nadir was accused of using a vehicle service to harass, threaten, or harass, and possessing a controlled substance.

Vehicle companies refer to contemporary communication methods like smartphones and the internet.

Last year, Ms. Lebdeh was charged with three crimes, including threatening to kill a team with a carriage service and harassing or inciting offence with a carriage service.

Although neither party has entered a petition, Nadir apologized last quarter through his attorney.

Ms. Abu Lebdeh and Mr. Nadir allegedly bragged about refusing to treat Jewish people, killing them, and declaring that they would go to heaven in the film, which appeared to have been shot inside a doctor and was released by an Israeli information father.

The film was widely shared online and sparked outrage in the general public, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calling it “disgusting” and “vile.”

Following a flood of related racist attacks, Australia earlier this month passed tougher laws against love crimes.

In Jewish populations across Australia, there have been a number of fire and graffiti incidents in recent months involving houses, cars, and synagogues.

Additionally, islamism is on the rise. A girl was detained on Tuesday after allegedly threatening to strike a Sydney mosque in a way that was inspired by the Christchurch massacre.