Seattle officer recorded joking about woman killed by a police car

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A bodycam video that appears to show a Seattle police official laughing while discussing the lady who was fatally struck by the police vehicle is the subject of an investigation.

Jaahnavi Kandula, 23, was killed close to her universities, and Officer Daniel Auderer was investigating the incident.

The agent is overheard in the movie saying that Ms. Kandula’s living had” limited benefit” and that the city should” just write a check.”

The policeman claimed that his remarks were taken out of context.

Ms. Kandula, an Indian grad scholar at Northeastern University, was struck and killed by a police car on January 23 as she crossed the street.

The graduate student’s body was thrown more than 100 feet( 30 meters ) and the officer driving the car was traveling at 74 mph( 119 km / h ), according to The Seattle Times, citing a police investigation report.

Officer Auderer was summoned to the scene, where his body camera captured voice from a contact he made to his coworker.

The officer is heard saying,” But she is dead ,” before laughing. ” No, it’s just a regular person ,” she said. Yes, only write a check ,” he replies, before giggling once more.

” Eleven thousand cash” In any case, she was 26. She had little benefit.

The union leader for the Seattle Police Department, Mr. Auderer, was speaking with the alliance’s president, Mike Solan. The sound of Mr. Solan don’t get heard.

The Seattle Police Department said in a statement released on Monday that an employee who overheard the conversation” in the regular course of business” was the source of it.

According to the police assertion, that staff” worried about the nature of comments” and took their worries further up the chain of command.

The Office of Police Accountability, the organization that looks into police misconduct, was then informed of the situation by officers.

According to the Seattle Police Department, the organization is investigating” the setting in which” the statements were made and whether any laws had been broken.

Jason Rantz, a conservative talk radio host on KTTH – AM, claimed that he had obtained Mr. Auderer’s written statement stating that his remarks were intended to imitate how capital attorneys may attempt to minimize responsibility for the woman’d death.

According to KTTH television, Mr. Auderer wrote,” I laughed at the absurdity of how these situations are litigated.”

Another oversight organization, the Seattle Community Police Commission, referred to the body-camera film as” terrible and shockingly callous.”

According to local media, Victoria Beach, the head of the African American Community Advisory Council,” was shocked, had some thoughts, and was sickened about it.”

She remarked,” I was quite frightened that someone could joke about someone who passed away.”

A criminal investigation into the collapse is being conducted by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

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