Safety measures in place for SAF, Home Team personnel amid hot weather in Singapore

“Given the recent warm temperatures, inmates have been reminded to keep hydrated. This is especially so when they are engaged in physical exercises during their recreation time,” said SPS. 

SPS added its staff have been told to hydrate regularly during their shifts.


SAF has acknowledged the need to adopt a science-based approach to improve heat resilience, with global temperatures set to rise further.

In January, SAF, alongside the National University of Singapore and DSO National Laboratories, established the Heat Resilience and Performance Centre to “address the long-term challenges of maintaining human performance amid rising global temperatures”. 

“Cooler hybrid uniforms were introduced in 2018 and the redesign of the Load Bearing System undertaken in 2020. New insights from research will seek to improve on these measures further,” noted MINDEF.

SCDF has also progressively equipped firefighters with new firefighting personal protective equipment (PPE), which include several enhancements such as breathable fabrics, and a lightweight and stretchable outer shell. 

The new suit provides better protection from extreme heat and environmental conditions. 

The SPF introduced new operational uniforms in 2018, made with fabric that allows for faster drying and more efficient moisture absorption.

“This results in more efficient heat dissipation from the body, enabling frontline officers to cope better with the heat and humidity when operating outdoors,” said the police. 

MHA added that Home Team departments carry out regular reviews of their uniform design and material to ensure that they are effective in minimising heat intake and dissipating heat. 

Research is also being conducted on technological tools that may help the Home Team in heat management. 

SPS said the uniforms that their officers wear are made of “cool and breathable material”, which helps in heat mitigation.