Russia hails ‘similarity’ of China’s position on US, Ukraine

Wang reiterated Beijing’s status report on the Ukraine conflict, which called for peace talks but was met with skepticism by the United States and NATO when it was released earlier this year, according to a Chinese state multimedia display.

According to China’s Xinhua, Wang told Lavrov that the strategy” takes into account the safety concerns of all events and is beneficial to eliminating the main causes of the conflict.”

He continued,” China and Russia may continue to contribute to the development and revitalization of each country through a permanent good-neighborly connection, complete proper assistance, and socially beneficial cooperation.”

At the offer of Nikolai Patrushev, director of Russia’s security council, Wang is scheduled to conduct surveillance sessions during his explore.

In March, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Moscow and declared that the two nations’ ties were about to change.

Vladimir Putin’s secretary revealed in July that the Soviet leader intended to travel to China in October.

Putin told Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing last week that relations between Russia and China” have reached an completely extraordinary, traditional level” at the annual Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.