RSAF F-16 crash at Tengah Air Base was due to component malfunction; fleet to resume flying

SINGAPORE: The crash of a Singapore F- 16 jet at Tengah Air Base last week was due to a malfunction of a component known as&nbsp, pitch rate gyroscopes, the Ministry of Defence ( MINDEF ) said on Saturday ( May 18 ).

The journey power computer was able to access error-causing inputs from the recovered flight data recorder, according to the flight data recorder. In a press release, MINDEF claimed that this made the pilot able to control the aircraft at take-off.

All F- 16 fighter planes are fitted with four quite accelerometers.

The gyroscope failure was a continuous loss of the gyroscopes in the case of the Tengah Air Base accident on May 8; this is a very uncommon event, according to MINDEF.

It added that this is the&nbsp, first such malfunction in the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s ( RSAF ) entire F- 16 fleet.

With the cause of the accident then identified, MINDEF said&nbsp, Singapore’s F- 16 ships did begin flying.

” But as an added caution, each F- 16 ball level gyroscope may be checked and cleared before commencement of airlines”, it added.