Roadside bomb injures police in Songkhla

The police patrol pickup damaged by the bomb explosion that injured three policemen in Thepha district, Songkhla, on Tuesday morning. (Photo: Assawin Pakkawan)
The officers guard pick damaged by the bomb blast that injured three officers in Thepha area, Songkhla, on Tuesday night. ( Photo: Assawin Pakkawan )

SONGKHLA: &nbsp, Three &nbsp, police officers were wounded and their police vehicle damaged when a wayside bomb detonated in Thepha area on Tuesday night.

Around 9.30 am, the bomb detonated on Thadee-Bor Namsom Road in front of the International Natural power plant in tambon Koh Saba, according to authorities.

A passing officers pick was damaged by the explosion. The three monitoring soldiers inside the car suffered injuries and were taken to Thepha Hospital.

To clear and observe the picture, criminal officers and a weapon disposal unit were dispatched.

Six police officers were hurt on Monday evening in the Pattani district’s Nong Chik city by a roadside bomb explosion.

Explosive ordnance disposal officers and forensic police inspect the area of the roaside bomb blast in Thepha district, Songkhla. (Photo: Assawin Pakkawan) dispatched to the area.

In Songkhla’s Thepha region, criminal officers and officers removing explosives inspect the area surrounding the bomb explosion. ( Photo: Assawin Pakkawan ) &nbsp,